Local Perspectives on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
The Role of Pesantren in Social Empowerment and Alleviating Poverty in Sleman
Pesantren, Poverty, Sleman, Sustainable Development Goals, YogyakartaAbstract
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of resolutions established by the United Nations (UN) to enhance welfare through various goals or targets, one of which is poverty reduction. Poverty is a systemic problem that manifests not only globally but also at the local level, as seen in Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta. To effectively address poverty, collective contributions are required from various stakeholders in Sleman, including Islamic boarding schools. This study aims to investigate the role played by Islamic boarding schools in Sleman in mitigating poverty. The research methodology employed is qualitative research, involving primary data collection methods such as interviews and secondary data obtained from literature reviews. The findings reveal that Sleman Islamic boarding schools contribute to poverty reduction through scholarship programs for students, support for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and funding for community businesses in Sleman.
Keywords: Pesantren, Poverty, Sleman, Sustainable Development Goals, Yogyakarta
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