
  • Hasbi Aswar Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Berliana Pundilaras Program Studi Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta



The Role of The United Nations, Human Rights Violations, Ethnic Muslim Uighur


One of the internal problems in China is the violation of human rights against ethnic Uighur Muslims such as arbitrary detention, freedom in terms of religion, culture, expression, criminalization of religion, cruel and tortured practices of indoctrination in concentration camps. In analyzing this research, using the concept of Protecting Human Rights by the United Nation by Margaret P. Karns, Karen A. Mingst and Kendall W. Stiles. Where in the concept there are 3 efforts that can be made by international organizations, namely Monitoring, Protecting Human Rights and Enforcing International Human Rights Norms. The United Nations as an international organization can play an important role in dealing with or overcoming the issue of human rights violations so that it can provide protection for the Uighur Muslim ethnic group. So far, the UN itself has attempted to act such as applying pressure in the form of criticism, criticism and pressure, making efforts to monitor the situation by collecting reports of human rights violations submitted to UN human rights bodies, and conducting visits that result in direct discussions. with senior leaders related to discussions on human rights and regional, national, and international issues.


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How to Cite

Aswar, Hasbi, and Berliana Pundilaras. 2023. “PERAN PBB DAN HAMBATAN YANG DIHADAPI DALAM MENANGANI ISU PELANGGARAN HAM CHINA TERHADAP ETNIS MUSLIM UIGHUR DI XINJIANG TAHUN 2018 – 2022”. Jisiera: The Journal of Islamic Studies and International Relations 6 (1):51-82.