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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article submitted to Jisiera should not have been published elsewhere and should not be under consideration by other publication using ISSN.
  • The article should be single-spaced, 11-point Garamond font, paper size 16 cm width and 23 cm height, top and bottom margin 2.54 cm, left and right margin 2 cm, gutter position in left 0.7 cm, paragraph alignment justified, indentation in first line 0.7 cm each paragraphs, spacing 3 pt after paragraphs. Save the article using Microsoft Word 97-2003 document type and above.
  • Manuscripts should adhere to the Publication Manual of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) latest edition. Use endnotes for citations. To make citation number, use superscript (Ctrl, Shift, +) rather directly inserting endnotes (Alt+Ctrl+D) in your text.

Author Guidelines

General Rules

Manuscripts should be in Bahasa Indonesia or English with academic writing standards. English UK is preferable.

The article could be original research, a review article, or a book review.

The article submitted to Jisiera should not have been published elsewhere and should not be under consideration by other publications using the ISSN.

The article submitted for publication goes through the blind peer-review process by members of the editorial board.

The author willing to make a submission should register through the Jisiera Open Journal System (OJS) and follow all of the process online.

Article Format

The article should be single-spaced, 11-point Garamond font, paper size 16 cm width and 23 cm height, top and bottom margins of 2.54 cm, left and right margins of 2 cm, gutter position in the left 0.7 cm, paragraph alignment justified, indentation in the first line 0.7 cm for each paragraph, and spacing of 3 pt after paragraphs. Save the article using the Microsoft Word document type.

Front page contains: (1) a title, situated two spaces from the top margin, using center text, capitalized, and 13-point Cambria font; (2) the word “abstract,” situated two spaces under the title, abstraction paragraph takes 10-point Garamond font, only in a single paragraph of maximum 200 words, with indentation before and after text of 0.7 cm. Abstraction is in English; (3) the phrase “Keywords,” situated under the abstraction in 10-point Garamond font, italic, contains a minimum of three terminologies with a semicolon between terms. Keywords are in English.

Manuscripts should adhere to the APA style of reference

Instructions for making direct citation: (1) If the citation is less than 40 words, write it in between quotation marks (“...”) along with the main text; (2) If there are quotation marks in the source text, then use a single quotation mark (‘...’) to cite it; (3) If the citation is more than 40 words, write it in a separate paragraph outside the main text with 0.7 cm left and right indent, singled-space, and 10-point font; (4) If there are some words that you may not use in your citation, those could be substituted by three dots (...). Always paraphrase the source text before citing it in the in-direct citation format. Editors will utilize plagiarism checker tools to assure the quality of the articles.

Original research manuscripts may contain the following: (1) an introduction containing background on research, literature study, and research problem(s); (2) a method of research; (3) a research result; (4) a discussion; (5) a conclusion; and (6) references.

Review articles may contain the following: (1) an introduction; (2) discussions in some passages; (3) conclusion; and (4) references.

A book review is a brief critical assessment of the main arguments presented in a particular book. It may contain: (1) bibliographical information such as title (edition, if any), author, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, ISBN numbers, price, and cover picture; (2) a critical evaluation of the book containing a statement of the reviewer's understanding of the author's purpose, summarize the contents of the book by identifying the key arguments chronologically, strengths and weaknesses, language analysis, etc.; (3) conclusion containing reviewer opinion upon the book that is important for who and why and an overall assessment.

Instructions for making tables: (1) connecting effectively to the author's arguments; (2) length not exceeding half of the page; (3) placing one space before and after the main text; (4) The table number and title are situated at the top of the table; (5) table number is in Arabic numeral; (6) table title is capitalized for each word; (7) source of the data is situated at the bottom of the table; (8) table is referred by number rather “the following table” or “the above table.”

Instructions for making a picture: (1) picture includes photos, graphics, charts, maps, diagrams, etc.; (2) it connects effectively to the author's arguments; (3) size not exceeding half of the page; (4) situated one space before and after the main text; (4) picture number and title are situated at bottom of the picture; (5) picture number in Arabic numeral; (6) picture title is capitalized for each word; (7) source of the picture situated at the bottom of the picture ; (8) picture is referred to by number rather than “the following picture” or “the above picture.”


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