The Insiera Insight
Judul Terbitan The Insiera Insight Inisial TII Singkatan Terbitan In-Insight Bahasa Indonesia Penerbit Insiera Jumlah Terbitan Per Tahun 12 terbitan (terbit setiap tanggal 15) Biaya Terbit Penulis tidak dikenakan biaya penerbitan The Insiera Insight (In-Insight) adalah sebuah media digital yang diterbitkan sebulan sekali, memuat opini para anggota Insiera (The Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Association). In-insight menyajikan analisis tajam terkait fenomena hubungan internasional terkini dari sudut pandang akademik melalui sumber-sumber kajian yang terpercaya, sesuai kredo; "Beropini dengan Cerdas dan Bernas."
Jisiera: The Journal of Islamic Studies and International Relations
The Journal of Islamic Studies and International Relations, known as Jisiera, is an annual academic journal published by the Indonesian Islamic Studies and International Relations Association (Insiera). Publication of this journal aimed as an intellectual communication bridge that strengthens Insiera's network and disseminates thoughts or research works that contributed positively towards the development of science and Ummah (global Islamic community).
Jisiera promotes academic debates by providing scientific articles with all available academic approaches (intradisciplinary, crossdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary) focusing on issues related to Islam, the Muslim World, and International Relations. Particular attention is given to articles discussing Islamic Studies approaches in International Relations and the application of Islamic perspective in International Relations. Although, Jisiera is not constrained to the discussion merely on those particular themes.
All articles published in Jisiera have been indexed by OpenAIRE and accordingly, they have a unique DOI number.